
Showing posts from April, 2017

St. George Day Raffle and Prize Winners

St. George Day Raffle and Prize Winners posted  Apr 30, 2017, 1:10 PM   50/50 WINNER Karl Bayer CHINESE AUCTION BASKET WINNERS Lisa Binder Kathy Morus Kathy Badaracco Barb (Sands) Matthews Donna (Hoskowicz) Todd Ed Heyl Gerri Felice Mary Gorski Gary Gorski Barbara Buczynski Tom Suhayda DOOR PRIZE WINNERS Gerri Felice Joy Hahn Mario Schiarelli Jean Buckley Kathy Byerly Nancy Herring Jack Moslander Shirley Hoskowicz Fr. Donald Breier Rich Weiland Nancy Pfeifer Cecilia Klaphake Cheri Deithorn Eileen Sill