What happens to your Church Alive! donations?
What happens to your Church Alive! donations?
Please be aware that you have the choice to request a refund! Most parishioners who have contributed to the Church Alive! campaign are aware that about one half of their donations have been reserved to be spent in St. John Vianney Parish. There is a total of over $75,000 in that fund. Since Bishop Zubik has decreed that the parish will be divided, you have the option to request a refund. In his letter to parishioners on July16, 2015, Bishop Zubik included information about the Church Alive funds. It states that parishioners “may request a refund of their contributions to date”. (see the attachment below for a copy of this information.) We have also attached a form you can print and mail to the Campaign for the Church Alive! for your refund. St. George Church Preservation Society is raising money to to fund the restoration of the church. Please consider making a donation or pledge to support this cause. Our GoFundMe campaign is at: www.gofundme.com/savestgeorgechurch Refund Request Date:___________ Mr. Bob DeWitt Campaign for the Church Alive 111 Boulevard of the Allies Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Dear Mr. DeWitt: As described in Bishop Zubik's letter of July 16, 2015, to the parishioners of St. John Vianney Parish, and as a parishioner of St. John Vianney Parish, I am requesting a complete refund of my Church Alive! donations that were made to fund the case statement of St. John Vianney Parish. Please forward my refund to me as soon as possible. Thank You, Parishioner's Name:____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ |