Are Muslims more faithful than Christians?
posted Sep 14, 2015, 12:27 PM by Saint George Church Preservation Society
Fr. Stephen Kresak from St. Basil's was our guest at the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, September 13, 2015. He provided us with an interesting homily that compared the faith of Christians to the faith of Muslims. He suggested that Muslims are more faithful because they are more disciplined in following the opinions and decisions of their leaders while Christians who may question the opinions and decisions of their clergy are less faithful to God. While many would agree that most leaders of the Muslim faith are very tolerant, we have recently seen how some leaders of the Muslim faith have used their unquestioned authority to order terrorism and the desecration and demolition of churches, monuments and landmarks as their followers did not question their authority. Fr. Kresak suggested that Catholics who question or disagree with the decisions of clergy are less faithful to God and should be more like Muslims. We have noted that there are Catholic Church leaders who have been involved with and encouraged the preservation and protection of many holy places such as churches, cathedrals and shrines around the world. While they have respect for traditions and legacy, there are other Catholic leaders in certain cities in the United States who have chosen to demolish churches. He also suggested that people who question the clergy and express differing opinions are selfish while the clergy themselves are not selfish while they seek complete control of all authority in temporal and financial matters in a similar fashion of a Wall Street CEO. It seems like the messages of Pope Francis regarding acceptance, openness and communication with the people has still not arrived in Pittsburgh. Maybe when Pope Francis visits Philadelphia, the Church's Pittsburgh delegation will actually listen to his message. We will try to be there on the front lines of the crowd with signs to deliver our message to Pope Francis, “Save our Church”. Wouldn't it be nice if he pulled over to talk to us? |