SJV Administrative Changes 1.3.2016

At masses this weekend, Fr. Thomas Wilson announced that he will be taking a leave of absence on January 11, 2016 due to some ongoing health issues. He will be residing at St. John Vianney Manor while he recovers from a medical procedure.

Everyone is encouraged to attend mass next weekend to wish Fr. Wilson a speedy recovery and to keep him in our prayers.

Fr. Wilson also announced that Fr. Michael J. Stumpf from St. Mary of the Mount parish will be assigned as Administrator and Fr. Walter Rydzon as Parochial Vicar at St. John Vianney Parish. A warm welcome is in order for Fr. Stumpf and Fr. Rydzon.

Mass Schedule

Saturday  4:00 PM

Sunday     9:00 AM
                 12:00 NOON