YOU Can Save Your Church!


YOU Can Save Your Church!

posted Feb 26, 2016, 2:26 PM by Saint George Church Preservation Society  

Sign a Mandate and Make a Pledge

YOU Can Save Your Church!

Now is the time for everyone to share in the efforts to

Reopen & Restore the former St. George Church.

We are preparing to ask the Congregation for the Clergy at the Vatican to reopen the church and you can be an integral part of the success story by completing one or both of the following documents.

The Mandate
Who can sign the mandate? If you are a parishioner or if you have donated to improvements for upkeep of the church over the years, you can complete and sign the attached copy of the mandate and have it witnessed by 2 adults. The signed mandate can be returned via email, fax or mail. (See the information at the bottom of this page.) This document allows us to represent you in this matter.

Pledge Forms
How does making a pledge help? For a successful appeal to the Congregation for the Clergy, we need to present pledges of support from all of those who wish to see our church “Reopened & Restored”! Your tax deductible pledge indicates your commitment to the repair and restoration of the church. when it is reopened. You will be notified when the restoration work is set to begin. The completed pledge can also be returned via email, fax or mail. 

You can download and print these forms by clicking on these links:
Pledge Form      Mandate 

Thank you for your participation and support! 
Remember, Nothing is Impossible with God!  

Please return one or both of the forms before March 7, 2016 by:


Toll Free Fax: 1-888-210-4946

Mailing Address:     St. George Church Preservation Society
                                PO Box 4228
                                Pittsburgh, PA 15203

Questions? Call 412-502-5062