Easter Sunday 2016
On Easter Sunday, there were two masses at St. John Vianney Church (formerly St. George Church). At 10:00, it was standing room only as over 500 people attended Mass. Volunteers from the St. George Church Preservation Society distributed brochures along with a keepsake magnet. The brochure included the following tribute to our legacy: Our Legacy We honor the founders of St. George Parish who provided the donations and oversaw the acclaimed design and construction of St. George Church. It was to be built with the finest materials available. Their intent was to provide a perpetual place of worship that will last indefinitely. We honor their descendants who faithfully provided for the maintenance and improvements to St. George Church to ensure that it will always be there for us to worship. We honor our family, friends and neighbors who came before us and continued to support our church with their generosity, service and resolve to provide a Catholic presence in the community. Those who came before us never could have imagined that the church their great efforts produced and cared for would ever be discarded. The spirits of those who came before us are in our church. As we faithfully honor their legacy, we will not abandon their spirits. “If you destroy their history, you destroy their achievements and it's as if they never existed.” Frank Stokes, The Monuments Men The closing Mass will be on Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 2:00 PM. Please keep in mind that the closing Mass is not necessarily the final Mass at our church. |