Pledge Drive II

Pledge Drive II

posted Oct 21, 2016, 1:41 PM 


In September, we were notified that the Vatican revoked the decision to close the former St. George church. Now, we need to show the Diocese and the Vatican that together, we can provide the resources to reopen and restore the church. This nationwide pledge drive is reaching out to all of our St. George Family and supporters.


We are asking for your pledge to make a donation each month to fund the restoration of the former St. George Church once it is reopened.

  • Recent proposals estimate that the work can be completed over 5 years. Once an agreement has been reached and the restoration work is started, you will be contacted to begin payments on your pledge.
  • If 180 donors pledge an average of $50 per month, ($12 per week) we will exceed our 5 year goal of $527,000. 
  • Pledge Drive II ends on November 1, 2016. 
  • Your Memorial/Honor Roll dedication names will then be posted on our web site 

Please share this information with parishioners, alumni, family, friends, neighbors & associates.

Thank you for your support!
The St. George Church Preservation Society

Background Information
127 parishioners have mandated an appeal to the Vatican to reverse the closing of the former St. George Church (St. John Vianney) and to outsource the care of the church to the St. George Church Preservation Society.
The documents were sent to Rome in March, 2016 and the Vatican notified us in September that they have revoked the decision to close the church. (See the letter on our web site)

The Successful Pledge Drive I
In March, 2016, we conducted a “paper” pledge drive at masses and via mail and fax. In 3 weeks, over $73,000 was pledged to reopen and restore the church. In our appeal to the Vatican, the results of this pledge drive was an important attachment to our financial proposal.

Now we need your help to make the new on-line Pledge Drive II a success.