June 2017 St. George Church News

posted Jun 23, 2017, 6:07 PM 

On August 25, 2016, the Vatican revoked the decision to close St. John Vianney Church (consecrated as St. George Church). The decree indicated that the church continues to be “a consecrated edifice......would retain it's sacred character”. To read the decree, please see the News Feed article: "Letter from the Vatican"

Because the church is still a consecrated edifice, it is not be sold or cannibalized for salvage value and the stained glass windows are protected. The church is under the jurisdiction of St. Mary of the Mount Parish. The liabilities and debt of the former St. John Vianney Parish were forgiven when the parish was divided. They never were an obligation of the church building.

Parishioners and the St. George Church Preservation Society (SGCPS) are now immediately prepared to care for the church and to begin the restoration work.

In recent months, there have been several meetings at the Diocese and Parish level. Parishioners provided the Diocese with a lease and a detailed business plan to describe how we are able to move forward with a viable solution at no cost to the Parish.

The church would be available for use by the Parish. It would retain its sacred character as a consecrated edifice to be used for Divine worship as a Catholic Sacred Space for Mass, weddings, baptisms and funerals. As such, the church could also be accessible for approved concerts, lectures and community gatherings.

This very attractive and viable solution was provided to the Diocese and Parish and we were hopeful that they would accept our offer.

Unfortunately, on Sunday, June 18, 2017, parishioners were informed that the Diocese has issued a new decree regarding the church. This new decree indicates that the church that would “close for worship” and “stained glass windows, sacred items, non-sacred artifacts and any work of some significance be removed”.

As a result of this disappointing decision, our group of parishioners will again move forward with the process of appealing this latest decree.

Please pray for us as we continue on the path to Reopen and Restore our church.

We thank you, the St. George Family, and all of our supporters, for your continued encouragement.


In other news...

SGCPS fund-raisers and donations continue to improve our immediate financial ability to care for

and restore the church.

An application has been submitted to the Allegheny Foundation to secure a significant part of the

restoration funds.

Video security and signs have been installed to protect the area around the church.

In addition to the founding commitment of our registered architect, we have an additional

commitment of help from a recent architecture graduate of the Catholic University of America.

We recently welcomed a commitment of help from a St. George volunteer with experience in

mechanical engineering and project management. She will be a valuable asset to our mission.

Our financial records are being migrated from spreadsheets to QuickBooks Online to facilitate

reporting and pledge and billing statements.

Please contact us if you know of a CPA who can provide an audited financial report for us. This is

a requirement of some of the foundations and other funding sources that we are considering.

If you or someone you know would like to become involved in our mission to protect St. George 

Church, please contact us at 412-502-5062.

As St. George Oktoberfest approaches, please contact us to volunteer, donate a gift basket or 

place an ad in our keepsake program for your family or business contacts.

St. George Oktoberfest

Saturday, September 23, 2017

We will soon start preparing for our Fall Event. If all goes as planned, we will celebrate St. George Oktoberfest at the historic Teutonia Mannerchor located on the North Side at 857 Phineas Street.

Please stay in touch and once again we would like to thank everyone for your encouragement and support!