St. George News, March 2018

Vatican Appeal

We are still waiting to hear from the Vatican on our latest appeal to reopen St. George Church (St. John Vianney). Based on the timing of our previous successful appeal, we should be notified soon on their decision.

H&R Block

We have joined the H&R Block Nonprofit Referral Program. When you use H&R Block to file your taxes*, $20.00 is donated to St. George Church Preservation Society. Just mention St. George to your H&R Block preparer. Our client ID is 40010001096108. Thank You! (*First time users of H&R Block)

Cemetery Update

The St. John Vianney Cemetery (formerly St. George & St. Joseph Mt. Oliver) has been transferred to the Catholic Parishes Cemetery Association. For any inquiries, please contact:

CPCA Central Regional Office
1000 Logue St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15220

Heinz History Center

FYI, please note that the 2017 St. George Family Cards for the Heinz History Center are now expired.

To get a new card for 2018, please visit the St. George Store.

Save The Date!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2018 for the St. George Spaghetti Dinner

Please plan to join us for our spring fundraising event. For more information and to make your reservation online follow this link.