SGCPS News & 2020 In Review

Happy New Year to our St. George Family:

Alumni, Friends, Neighbors, Supporters and

Parishioners of St. George and St. John Vianney



VATICAN APPEAL - Final decision delayed by pandemic.

Our appeal of the closing of St. George Church (St. John Vianney) advanced to the Apostolic Signatura (Supreme Court) at the Vatican in 2019. Although we expected their final decision in early 2020, the pandemic closed down the court until this Fall and we still wait.

As we pray for a positive decision from the Vatican, we can hope that the Spirit will inspire Bishop Zubik to reconsider his contentious position and embrace our obvious solution.

In 2021, we will continue to reach out for an agreement to reopen and restore the Church. With the help of the St. George Family and supporters, we are ready to provide for the care and restoration of the Church at no cost to the Diocese. There are over 60 Catholic churches in other dioceses that are being cared for by organizations like SGCPS.

Regardless of the final decision, we intend to keep our St. George Family connected and we will continue to organize fellowship events that bring our family together. We will maintain the St. George Church Preservation Society and support our network of over 1400 contacts.


In August, parishioners held a news conference on the steps of St. George Church to express their outrage regarding the proposed dismantling of the church. The news conference was well attended by the community, the public and the media. After the news conference, the church was found to be open and everyone was able to enter the church for reminiscing and photographs.


After Bishop Zubik's workers began preparations to dismantle St. George Church, a faithful parishioner advanced an application for a historic designation to protect the structure. The nomination was then approved by the Pittsburgh Historic Review Commission, the City Planning Commission and the designation received preliminary approval by City Council. As City Council prepared for the final vote, Bishop Zubik filed a complaint in Federal Court to prevent the vote from taking place. At this time, a meeting has been proposed to try to resolve this issue.


Over the years, one of our most significant accomplishments was to be able to bring the St. George Family together for our various fellowship events. We look forward to the near future when it will be safe for us to gather and enjoy the company of all of our friends, family and supporters. If you know of any friends and family who would like to be notified of future events, please ask them to contact us at: or call 412-502-5062.

If you would like to send a polite note to Bishop Zubik regarding the dismantling of St. George Church and his opposition to the historic designation, here is his contact information:
Bishop David Zubik
2900 Noblestown Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15205



We launched our membership drive to reach out to the St. George Family to include everyone who supports our mission while enjoying member benefits.

The sales of our 2020 St. George Calendars and sketches continued in the on-line St. George Store.


Due to the pandemic, planning for the St. George Spaghetti Dinner III was deferred.


Bishop Zubik sent a crew of abatement workers into the church to prepare for the removal of stained-glass windows, religious artifacts and the pews.

To protect the structure, one of our faithful parishioners advanced an application to the Pittsburgh Historic Review Commission to designate the church as a historic structure.


Workers were observed removing the ornate sacristy casework from the church. Two faithful parishioners were able to enter the open church and take photos of the inside of the church.

Later in August, parishioners held a news conference on the steps of St. George Church.


The Pittsburgh Historic Review Commission and the City Planning Commission voted to advance the historic designation of St. George Church to City Council for their final approval.


After a public hearing, Pittsburgh City Council gave their preliminary vote of approval and moved the historic designation to a final vote. Before that vote could take place, Bishop Zubik filed a complaint in Federal Court to prevent the vote from taking place. As of this writing, meetings are being scheduled to try to find a resolution to this issue.


The 2021 St. George Calendar sale was started and the 2021 membership drive was launched.

Please note:
2020 SGCPS Membership Cards have expired.
Click HERE to renew your membership for 2021.
Donation $15.00

2021 St. George calendars are still available!
11” X 17” wall calendar featuring
St. George photos for each month
Donation $12.00 
Just send a note with your check to:
SGCPS, PO Box 4228, Pittsburgh, PA 15203

During 2020, SGCPS continued to network with these organizations to support our mission:

Allentown CDC

Allentown Senior Citizens' Center

Brashear Association

German American Chamber of Commerce

Hilltop Alliance

Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation

Preservation Pittsburgh

Young Preservationists Association

Teutonia Mannerchor

Sen. John Heinz History Center