Our successful St. George Spaghetti Dinner III The St. George Family & Friends gathered at St. Pius X Auditorium in Carrick for Spaghetti Dinner III. The crowd was excited and appreciative for this opportunity to gather and reminisce and there were many compliments for the fun event and good food.

 Cake made by Margie Sammel In addition to the Door Prizes, Chinese Auction and Raffle, there was a slide show of St. George photos, a display of the St. George WWII memorial and the St. George trophies. Guests also gathered around the replica St. George Statue for photos. The St. George Store had items for sale including mugs and the 1960s sketch by artist Calvin Lynch.

 Thank You The volunteers at the St. George Church Preservation Society would like to thank everyone for coming to this special event and for your generosity, encouragement and support. All proceeds will benefit the ongoing effort to 'Reopen & Restore' the former St. George Church. If you know of any friends and family who would like to be notified of future events, please forward this note to them and they can contact us at contact@SGCPS.net or call 412-502-5062. A special Thank You goes out to Germaine Watkins for the great photos. Visit Germaine Watkins Photography at: https://wgermaine.wixsite.com/photography/client-albums Click [here] for many more photos of Spaghetti Dinner III The generous supporters and prize winner's lists To view the list of our supporters and the winners list for the Chinese Auction, raffle, and door prizes, please click [here] |