Vatican decision regarding St. George Church


Dear St. George Family & Supporters:

After years of waiting patiently, we have finally received a decision on our parishioners' Vatican appeal of the closing of St. George Church (St. John Vianney).


The Apostolic Signatura (Supreme Court) has rejected our appeal of Bishop Zubik's decree to close and dismantle the church.

While we are disappointed with this decision, we will once again reach out to Bishop Zubik and try to reach an agreement.


In the past, our group of dedicated parishioners has reached out to Bishop Zubik with proposals to repair, restore and care for the church at no cost to the Diocese. These proposals are similar to successful agreements in other Dioceses.

We were advised by the Diocese to wait until the Vatican appeal has been decided.

If we are able to negotiate an agreement with Bishop Zubik, we will be able to contact the foundations, the preservation community, and corporations to secure the grants and funds to add to our Restoration Fund and proceed with the restoration and care of the church.


Please pray that our parishioners and Bishop Zubik can “bridge the gap” and arrive at an agreement.


If we are not able to reach an agreement, we'll continue our efforts to keep our St. George Community connected. We'll continue to organize fellowship events, preserve the artifacts that we have in storage, and we'll provide keepsake items for sale in the St. George Store.

Please watch for our upcoming sales in the St. George Store. We'll have Christmas Cards, Calendars, Sketches and Memberships available soon.


If you have any questions, please contact us at or call 412-502-5062.

We thank you for your encouragement and support.


Take care & God Bless,

The SGCPS Leadership Team