2023 IN REVIEW January Sales of the 2023 St. George Calendars and sketches continued in the on-line St. George Store. Also, we continued our membership drive to reach out to the St. George Community. We try to include everyone in the community who supports our work and enjoys the member benefits. April The St. George Community & Friends gathered for St. George Day at the Grove II. The crowd was excited and appreciative for this opportunity to gather and reminisce. There were many compliments for the fun event and good food. There was dancing to the music by our DJ. In addition to the Door Prizes, Chinese Auction and Raffle, there was a slide show of St. George photos, a display of the St. George WWII memorial and the St. George trophies. Guests gathered around the replica St. George Statue for photos. Click HERE to view the photos from St. George Day at the Grove II.
November On Veterans Day we announced our partnership with Mary, Queen of Peace Parish to repair and restore the St. George WWII plaque that was once located on the front of St. George Church. A plan was developed to place the plaque on a new monument in the St. George section of St. John Vianney cemetery in Carrick. A dedicated parishioner from the Class of '66 has volunteered to perform the extensive repairs and restoration of the plaque. A very generous member of the Class of '68 will construct a monument where the memorial plaque will be displayed. Everyone, including the descendants of the 1,071 parishioners who are named on the plaque can honor those who served. With approval of our major donors, proceeds from the SGCPS restoration fund will be used to cover the costs that will be incurred for the project.
December We launched our sale of 2024 St. George calendars along with our 2024 Membership Cards, and St. George sketches. During 2023, SGCPS networked with these organizations: Allentown CDC, Allentown Senior Citizens' Center, Brashear Association, Sen. John Heinz History Center, Mary, Queen of Peace Parish, Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation Preservation Pittsburgh, Young Preservationists Association